Sunday 21 April 2013

My Journey on The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol

Without getting into too much detail about my health right now, I will share that I am waiting to see and Internist. If you’re scratching your head and wondering what that is, don’t worry, I had to look it up too. I see an Internist as an off-camera Canadian Dr. House, but here’s what Wikipedia says. I have been sick for over 4 weeks now, since before we went to Hawaii. It started as a cold, then developed into an ear and sinus infection, then bronchitis, then a throat infection and now is just a bad virus again. I have had 2 rounds of antibiotics, 1 round of oral steroids and a steroid inhaler and yet, I am achy, fatigued and still not well. It is exhausting. I blame it on turning 30. That MUST be it, my blood work however, says otherwise.

So what is the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol you ask? I’ll let my fellow blogger and expert through this process show you, The Paleo Mom. Basically, it is like regular Paleo, so no grains, dairy, legumes and starches, but ALSO, no nuts, seeds, cocoa, coffee, nightshades, eggs and alcohol. Yah. So what WILL I eat? All fruits and vegetables that are not nightshades, are okay, along with all sources of lean protein, coconut and honey, tea and herbs. This sounds insane you say? This is NOTHING! When R was only 12 weeks old, he had what 2 doctors and 1 midwives described as classic colic... BAD. I ended up resorting to the Dr Sears Total Elimination Diet for Breastfeeding Mothers. I started out with only SEVEN food items: turkey, pears, millet, rice, squash, potatoes and sweet potatoes/yams. I figure if I can do that to figure out which foods triggered my son’s health issues, I can take the time to eliminate all common allergens and inflammatory foods from my diet to figure out what sets off my health issues.

I plan to blog as I go, and hopefully share a bit more information about my specific condition as I get answers. I’m told by my employer that writing about personal issues on the world wide web can be a reckless endeavour, but to them I say this: if somebody else hadn’t done this already, I would have nothing to help me as I navigate our painfully slow medical system. I believe whole heartily about sharing information on both mental and physical health to help share and report out to others what helped ease my discomfort so that they, in turn, may find answers of their own.

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