Thursday, 9 May 2013

Day 18 - I drank a cider

Well, I’m on day 18 of the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol and I kinda had a little cheat day. Here is my confession, it’s been 18 days since my last offence. Today, I let my husband season the ribs with whatever he liked (he chose barbecue sauce and mustard) and I drank a natural, no sugar added blackberry cider... and I liked it... a lot. Up until today, things have been going really well. I started exercising again last week and in 10 days had gone for 2 jogs, 3 long walks and done 3 yoga sessions as well as lift a bunch of furniture for a garage sale and house clean. That’s activity in 9 of the past 10 days. Today’s lack of activity I blame on the cider, a day full of appointments and my selected yoga session freezing and refusing to load (surely karma doesn’t want me doing yoga today). I must also acknowledge that as I write this, my compulsive nature is getting the best of me thinking that I am breaking my potential 10 day streak of daily movement... hmmm... might try that yoga video again.